If you are unable to update your BuddyBoss Pro plugin, you may try the steps below:

    1. Log in to your website

    2. Go to your backend dashboard and resave the BuddyBoss theme licenses via BuddyBoss dashboard - License Keys.

    3. Then go to the Admin Dashboards - Update Page and click on the "Check Again" button 2 to 3 times. 


    4. After doing the above instruction, you will see the BuddyBoss Platform Pro update available simply click on that and update.

Or try to manually upgrade the Buddyboss Platform Pro by:

    1. Deactivating and deleting the Buddyboss Platform Pro that you currently have.

    2. Download the updated Buddyboss Platform Pro zip file in your Buyddboss account at https://www.buddyboss.com/ - My Account - Downloads and re-upload and install the newly updated Buddyboss Platform Pro plugin.