We understand you would like to set up the theme like that in our demo. Please be advised that we have gone away from using a one-click installer with the new BuddyBoss Theme as it causes issues based on experience. Also, our demo site is huge in size and it wouldn’t be a good idea to import all that.
So we came up with a better way of doing this by having a built-in feature that allows you to add default data or dummy information that you can test and play around like default groups, forums, members, and activity while you work on your site. This video will help you with that: https://youtu.be/2xFnZH5pCYs
For starters, please check these video tutorials on how to set up your Homepage and Menus just like our “Online Communities” demo:
We also have tons of tutorials in our Resources to help you configure the features of the theme and platform:
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