Web Fallbacks
What are Web fallbacks
Web fallbacks in the simplest term is exactly what it says, when a page in your app is not actually an app page but in fact a page from your website. It's not always financially viable when starting out to create every page in your app in react native which is the code used to render your app on an app screen, this is very time consuming and expensive.
There are some pros and cons to web fallbacks well 1 con the rest are pros… The pros to this is if you heavily rely on a page builder such as Elementor to create an all singing and dancing page then when viewing this page on a phone in responsive view you can tell it is a responsive webpage due to being able to see the headers and footers. Well we show the responsive web page in your app but we remove the page headers and footers so it looks and feels like an in app page to your customers.
Now the one downside to a web fallback is that it is a web page and therefore your app members need to have either WiFi or cell service to show the page.. So if your customer is out in the middle of the desert that page probably wont show.
App Pages
Whilst talking about web fallbacks we would be amiss if we didn't mention App Pages found by navigating to Buddyboss App - App Pages
What Are App Pages
App pages as you may have noticed from the image below look exactly the same as pages for your wordpress website. Except they are for your App instead. As you may notice on the left instead of wordpress blocks we have created app blocks, you will see the blocks have a small phone icon in the top right corner.
What this means is that this block and the information it rendors onto your app page are native to your app. This also then means that the app will display the data and will cache the data (caching means remembering the data.) even if the user's device has no cell data or Wifi.
This is a great option for those who want to provide a faster page response option over web fallbacks, and is the step between having fully customized react native web pages and using web fallbacks.
Related Material
How to use Web Fallbacks in BuddyBoss App
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