Blocking Members

Why Use Moderate Members Feature? 

There could be different types of people in your community. Some may bother or harass other members without any reason. To identify those users and take action against them BuddyBoss is offering you the Moderate Members feature. It allows members to block each other, and report inappropriate content to be reviewed by the site admin. Let’s see how easily your users can do this. The whole decision will be upon you in this member moderation in the community.  

Configure Moderate Members Feature

  1. Go to BuddyBoss - Components - Moderation. Click on the Activate button to use this feature. Now hit the Settings of Moderation.

Here you will see two moderation areas- Member Moderation and Content Reporting. We will work on the first one.Tick the boxes of

  • Member Blocking: Allow members to block other members 

  • Member Reporting: Allow members to report other members 

  • Auto Suspend: This option is for both blocking and reporting. You can set after how many blocks or reports the member will be auto suspended. For example we have set the limit to 2 times.

  • Email Notification: Notify administrators when members have been automatically suspended

Don’t forget to press the Save Settings button.

If you now go to a member’s profile you will see a Block button, click on it.

A popup will appear and describe what this blocking means to you. 

After that, go back to the backend and click on Moderation under BuddyBoss. You will see the list of blocked members there. As an admin you can suspend the blocked users from this section.

When a member gets blocked 2 times he/she will be on the Suspended list. Suppose, here Luna got suspended. 

If you click on View Reports under the name of a blocked member, there will be the names of the users who have blocked this person with time and date. You can save her by clicking the Unsuspended Member button. 

Now, when Luna will try to login to the community she will get the suspension message. 

  1. In any group message, the text of the suspended member will not be shown and the profile will disappear from the community. 

You can even block members from a group message. Just hit on the 3 dots, a tiny bar will appear, where you will see Block a member button. A popup will appear with all the people of the group. If you click Block, the block confirmation message will be shown to you like before. 

So, in the group message you will see the person as a Blocked Member.  

  1. Administration should get notified when someone gets suspended automatically. From the left sidebar press on Emails. For the easy navigation of the users, there are ready made email templates. You can find associated emails by using the search feature as you can see I searched ‘Suspended’ and BuddyBoss finds any email templates associated with that word!

If you click in the template you will see the Subject Line and Email Content. Go down below you will find Plain Text Email Content as well.

  1. Do you want to deactivate the Moderation feature? Well, click on the Deactivation of Moderation. You will get this from where you have activated the feature (BuddyBoss- Component). Later on you will have a warning Notice. Because after deactivating Moderation all the suspension and block will be dismissed. 

  1. Let’s moderate the Member Reporting option. If a member observes another member is in violation of one of your reporting categories, they can report them to site administrators. Here, we can modify the Reporting Categories. Just like the image below, click on the link from Moderation Settings. 

In BuddyBoss, multiple categories of reporting are built-in. Furthermore, you can create new ones according to your preference. Fill the field of NameDescription, mention when the report will show- Content/ Members/ Content & Members. Finally don’t miss out on pressing the Add New Category button. You can edit the existing reporting categories as well. 

Here, Spam is added as a new Reporting Category. 

Let’s apply the Spam and Harassment Category for reporting. 

Now, click on the Report Member button from a member’s profile.

A popup will ask you why you are reporting this member. Select the category and press on the Report button.

After that, see the reported member list details navigate to the Moderation - Flagged Members - Reported. 

That’s it. This is how you can moderate community members with easy navigation. 

Blocked Member Behaviour 

If a member from your community blocks, or is blocked by another user; certain content restrictions will be applied to those users.

We will break down the logic of our member moderation rules, explaining how we handle each scenario.

  • Member Profiles

  • Directory Pages

Member Profile

If the member is suspendedblocked or has been blocked, the Logged-in member can’t  access the member’s profile (or any tabs). Instead it will show a 404 page when trying to access.

If you have the URL of that member’s profile, place it on the browser and press enter. As she is suspended, you will redirect to 404 Page

Members Directory 
(Does not apply to group members directories)

If the member is suspendedblocked or has been blocked, the Logged-in member CAN’T see member in members directories

  • Make sure counts are adjusted

  • Don’t show member in search results

Overall this provides your members with a more safe and private experience within your platform.

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