By default, when we activate the BuddyBoss Platform Pro plugin, in the Email Preferences setting, there will be a Zoom section available whether you enable Zoom integration. Go to BuddyBoss dashboard -Integrations - Zoom - Enable Zoom.
Note: Make sure to have a complete site backup before proceeding
1. Navigate to WordPress dashboard - Appearance - Theme Editor.
2. Under Select theme to edit, choose (BuddyBoss Child/whatever theme is active), then click Select.
3. Below Theme Files, select Theme Functions (functions.php).
4. Append the code just before the closing PHP tag “?>”:
add_action( 'bp_init', 'bb_remove_zoom_preference_if_not_active' );
function bb_remove_zoom_preference_if_not_active(){
if( ! bp_zoom_is_zoom_enabled() ){
remove_action( 'groups_screen_notification_settings', 'bp_zoom_groups_screen_notification_settings' );
5. Click "Update File" to save the changes.
Note: Any modifications are considered custom work already. Know more about our Support Policy here:
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