When a customer asked you about copying our BuddyBoss demo and asking about legal issues. And is asking about legal issues when doing modifications or customizations using the BuddyBoss site. You may use this response:
Per Graham:
BuddyBoss Platform is open source and you can edit it in anyway and we highly support third party plugin developers to extend or enhance the product. There is a license agreement within the folder structure outlining the full terms.
You can also find advice on our Developer Docs (please link the customer)
Replicating the demo is fine, and you can load demo content from within the BuddyBoss Platform > Tools.
Of course, you cannot use our Logo though :)
Please note; this doesn't include media/avatar images as they have their own copyright. Which is why they do not come with the demo content.
Source: https://buddyboss.slack.com/archives/C026YP7J5ML/p1666982466636459
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