Why Use Blog in Your Community?

So by default this is not setup, and not everyone uses blog posts but if you are new to the wordpress environment then a blog page is where your audience will get the necessary vast information of your community. In BuddyBoss platform, you can set different types of layouts and feature images for your blog pages. Let’s explore how it really works on your website. In this tutorial, you will learn how you can edit the layout and style of your Blog Page while using BuddyBoss Theme. 

Configure Blog

Step 1.

Navigate to BuddyBoss - Theme Options - Blog. In the first section, you will see the Directory Layout, choose the List Layout and click Save Changes

Now refresh your blog page and see the blogs are in a normal list appearance. 

Select the second option- Masonry and Save Changes button. 

This is most of the favorite layout of BuddyBoss users. Why? Check the output in your frontend. 

The third and last layout Grid. Select it and don’t forget to press the Save Changes button.

The Grid look also seems nice in the blog page. Reload your frontend to see the ultimate result like this one below. 

Step 2.

In the second section of the Blog, you can select the outlook of the feature image. First one- Standard and as usual you have to press the Save Changes button.

If you reload any particular blog you will see the change. Basically, it’s the standard form of showing feature image of a blog. 

Sometimes, website owners like to highlight the title and display the featured image after that widely. For them we have Full Width- Below Title feature image style. After selecting it hit the Save Changes button.

The result is available here (reload your page to see the changes). 

The third one is our favorite, Full Width- Above Title. After selecting the option please don’t mind pressing the Save Changes button. 

Refresh the blog page and see the title is under the featured image. It gives a very elegant look to the blog. 

Step 3.

Well, here you will find some more fascinating options. One by one, turn on the

  • Related Posts- after enabling this the related blog posts will show below. You can set the number of related posts to show.

  • Post Author Box- It shows the information about the post’s author below the post. 

  • Floating Social Share- Shows the floating icons for sharing the post on Facebook and Twitter to increase the conversion rate.

  • BuddyBoss Profile Link- After enabling this, the author box will be linked to the BuddyBoss Profile. So that the reader can know about the writer very well. 

  • Call to Action/ Sign Up Form- Show a call to action, such as a sign up form or advertisement, under the blog post. You can edit the display text and even add links to it. 

Please don’t miss out on clicking the Save Changes button before reloading the frontend.

After refreshing the blog post you will see all the changes you have made earlier. Related Post, Author Box, Floating Social Icons, and the Call to Action are visible here. If you click the author box it will lead you to the author’s BuddyBoss profile. 

So, that is how you can configure your blog page and blog posts in BuddyBoss theme. Enjoy!

Related Materials

How to edit the layout and style of the blog page within the Theme?