Bookmark Posts in BuddyBoss App

Why Use the Bookmark Feature in BuddyBoss App?

With Bookmarking feature your members can now have the option to bookmark favorite blog posts. That will save to a separate core app screen for easy quick access to their favorite content. It supports bookmarking on WordPress Posts in the app.

Configure the Bookmark Feature

Enable Bookmark 

Navigate to BuddyBoss App - Settings - Blog Posts. Here, you can enable and disable the Bookmarking function depending on if you want to allow members to bookmark blog posts on your app. 

Once enabled, you will need to add the Bookmarks core app screen to your app's Tab Bar or More Menu so that your members can access their saved posts. Firstly let’s enable the feature, so put a check on the box next to the option then click Save Changes

Add Bookmarks and Blog Page in the Tab Bar Menu

Next, let’s add the Bookmarks core app screen to our app menus. Go to BuddyBoss App - Menus. Under the Core App section, add Blog and Bookmarks. Don’t forget to click the Add to Menu button. 

We now have our Blog and Bookmarks page added to our Tab Bar where members can access their bookmarked posts. You can have a preview of how they will look on the mobile screen. 

Now, let me show you how this works on the app. 

User View of Bookmarks in BuddyBoss App

First if you visit your bookmark page you will notice it will be empty as we haven’t yet bookmarked any post.

Now let’s bookmark some posts…

Go to the Blog Posts page on the BuddyBoss App. And next to the blog post, you will see this new Bookmark icon. Click on the bookmark icon on the right to save this post. 

You will see that the icon changed to filled which means we have successfully saved this post. 

Now, let’s go to the Bookmark page we added to our Tab Bar menu. On this page, you can access and manage all the blog posts you saved earlier. 

Once you’re done reading a blog post or if you want to remove it from your saved items, you can just simply click the Bookmark icon again. The icon will turn back to unfilled.

And when we go back to our Bookmarks page. The post will no longer be listed there. 

And if you face any trouble to bookmark any of your blog posts then an error message will show at the top of your screen. 

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