Create your Bundle IDs

A Bundle ID uniquely identifies an app in Apple’s ecosystem. This means that no two applications can have the same bundle identifier.

To avoid conflicts, Apple encourages developers to use reverse domain name notation, such as com.domain.appname.

For example, if your domain is and your app is called Oranges, you would use com.fruit.oranges as your release app’s Bundle ID.

For your test app’s Bundle ID, you can just add “.test” on the end. For example, com.fruit.oranges.test.

  1. Login to your Apple Developer account using the Apple ID you created your Apple Developer account with

  2. Click on Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles

  3. Click on the Identifiers tab

  4. Click on the + symbol next to Identifiers

  5. Create your Release App Bundle ID

    • Enter a Description, such as “Release App”

    • Enter your chosen Bundle ID for your Release App

    • Enable Push Notifications

    • Enable Sign In with Apple

    • Click Register

  6. Create your Test App Bundle ID

    • Enter a Description, such as “Test App”

    • Enter your chosen Bundle ID for your Test App

    • Enable Push Notifications

    • Enable Sign In with Apple

    • Click Register