Configure Profile Headers

Navigate to BuddyBoss - Settings - Profiles

Scroll down to check out the Profile Headers section. There are two types of Header Style- Left and Centered. At first we choose the Left and under Element section your selected elements will only be displayed in a profile. For now only the Followers and Following elements are selected. Don’t forget to hit the Save Settings button. 

If you now go to a member profile, you will see the profile image is displayed at the left and the followers and following numbers are visible. 

After that we will select the Centered header style. Also, the rest of the elements are ticked. The Save Settings button at the bottom must be clicked or you won’t see the desired differences.

Tada! Here we come. At first glance, look at the centered profile picture. The Online Status, Profile Type, Member Handle, Joined Date, Last Active, Followers, Following, and Social Networks are displayed in the profile header of John Smith. 

If you scroll up you will get a section called Profile Images, and there would be the Cover Image Size option to customize the Width and Height. We put it respectively to Full Width and Large. Note that, if you don’t enable the Profile Cover Images option you won’t see the cover image size customization sector. 

Reload the member’s profile to see the result. 

That is the easy customization of Profile Headers.