Group Listings Page

Configure Group Directories

Go to BuddyBoss - Settings - Groups and scroll down to find the Group Directories section.

In the Group Directories, Enable View(s), This will display group directories in Grid/ List or allow toggling between both views. We will set the Default View as List and Grid Style as Left. To understand each Element, let’s tick all of them. Don’t forget to click the Save Settings button. 

Navigate to your Groups page. Notice Carefully both List and Grid view is toggling here. And, we can see all of the Elements that we ticked earlier. 

Only the Cover Image is not visible in List view, You need to click on a particular group to understand that. 

If you now hit the Grid view, you will be able to see the Cover Image

It’s time to make some changes. The Default View is GridGrid Style is Centered, and we will untick the Cover ImagesGroup PrivacyLast Activity, and Group Descriptions

Let’s reload the Groups page again and see that only AvatarsMembers and Join Buttons are available. 

This feature is built to assist you in managing Group Directories view like you want.