There could be a few reasons why users are unable to log in to the app. Here we’ll be listing down scenarios and solutions for resolutions.

    1. Login credentials are for (typical occurrence is when the site is hosted in or has JetPack plugin enabled)

In order to log in to the app, users should use the actual site login and disable “Allow users to log in to this site using accounts”:

To navigate, from the WordPress dashboard, Go to JetPack - Dashboard, switch to Settings (top right):

After disabling, when they access the login page, they will be redirected to their site login page and may need to reset their password.

Note: login is like a social login thru JetPack, so their password may be needed to be reset to work with the site and app.

Social login is not yet integrated with our BuddyBoss App -

    2. Login failed. Please try again. Error while generating JWT token

  • End-points are getting blocked on a server-level

    In order to resolve the issue, you may need to reach out to your server provider and have these end-points whitelisted


  • Security plugin is enabled (ie. WordFence, Sucuri Security, etc)

    Temporarily deactivate the security plugin and check the app again
    Please note to always clear the cache after making changes.

    If deactivating the security plugin works, you can make some reconfiguration on your security plugin settings.

  • reCAPTCHA is enabled on the login page
    Please consider checking this article: Suggested reCaptcha for BuddyBoss App