Social Groups

Group Hierarchies
Group Hierarchies Enable Group Hierarchies Navigate to BuddyBoss - Settings - Groups. Scroll down to find the Group Hierarchies section.  Enab...
Group Subscriptions
Turn On Group Subscriptions In this tutorial we will walk you through how to enable and manage group subscriptions. With this update, members can subscribe...
Pinning Group Activity
Please note that Pin functionality is only available on the Forum Discussion. There is no option to pin a post on the Group Activity.  You can try ...
How to Change the Default View for Groups Directory
You can change the default view for the Groups Directory by navigating to the BuddyBoss dashboard - Settings - Groups - scroll down and change the default v...
How to Enable the Document Tab on Groups
To enable the Document tab (for groups), please follow the steps below: Navigate to the BuddyBoss dashboard - Settings. Go to Media and scroll to the ...
Disabling Update in Group When a User Joins the Group
You can disable this notification when someone joined the group by following the steps below:     1. Navigate to the BuddyBoss dashboard - Settings - Activ...