Media Uploading

Photo Uploading
Allow User to Upload Photos What good is an online community without the ability to post photos? In this tutorial, we teach you how to enable media uploadi...
Document Uploading
Allow User to Upload Documents In this tutorial, you will learn how to enable Documents, allowing members to upload files, move files into folders, and vie...
Document File Extensions
What Document Types Should be Uploaded. In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure custom File Types, to enable any file extension to be uploaded us...
Video Uploading
Allow User to Upload Videos In this tutorial, you will learn how to enable Videos, allowing members to upload videos, move videos into albums. Video upload...
Allow User to Use Emoji's when Posting In digital communication, emojis (also known as emoticons) help communicate the intent of your message with litt...
Animated GIFs
Allow User to Use Animated Giff's GIFs allow your members to have fun sharing animated images that express how they feel about a specific topic. In thi...
Media Permissions
Media Server Setup In this tutorial, we look into restricting media (e.g. photos, videos, and documents) access to protect your privacy and maintain the se...
Restrict Users from Uploading Media Files
You can indeed restrict users from uploading media files on your platform. To use this feature, navigate to BuddyBoss dashboard - Settings - Media - Media A...