Is BuddyBoss Theme and Platform Compatible with a Multisite Setup?
Our BuddyBoss Theme and BuddyBoss Platform are NOT yet 100% compatible with a multisite setup. Still, you may try and see how it works for you. To make Bud...
Can I Live Stream with BuddyBoss Courses?
We do support Live Streaming via YouTube and Vimeo. You need to embed the URL on the course page. Please follow the steps below:     1. Navigate to Lear...
BuddyBoss for Online Community VS BuddyBoss for LearnDash
Question: What is the difference between BuddyBoss for LearnDash and BuddyBoss for Online Community? Answer:  No difference between the two. B...
Where are Media Stored?
You wanted to know where the media uploaded by your users get stored. When you check the Media tab from your WordPress Dashboard it's not there. Kindly ...
The Difference Between a Group Organizer VS a Moderator
Organizers Organizers have total control over the contents and settings of a group. That includes all the abilities of moderators, as well as the abilit...
Is BuddyBoss HIPAA Compliant?
WordPress itself is not HIPAA compliant, so there would be a clause that you should never store any PHI on the site. BuddyBoss is a Theme/Platform plugin...
Can I Reset BuddyBoss Platform
Question: Is there any way to reset the Buddyboss platform plugin including database tables? Answer: At this time, BuddyBoss does not have this option...
What's Parent Theme vs Child Theme
The Parent Theme is the theme we’ll usually refer to when talking about WordPress themes. It’s the main theme that provides and handles all the features, fu...
How to Use Usernames and Handles
Can Users Change a "Handle" Later? Users can change the "handle" (nickname) anytime/anything they want, but usernames (can be used in ...
Disable Sticky Header on LearnDash Lesson and Topic Pages
Is it possible to view LearnDash Lessons and Topics with the header not sticky? By default, it is not possible. We have a setting that will disable the stic...