
All BuddyBoss Platform Widgets

Members I'm Following
Configure Members I'm Following Widget Navigate to Appearance – Widgets. Let’s say we want to add the Members I'm Following widget. We will add thi...
My Connections Widget
Configure My Connections Widget Navigate to Appearance – Widgets. Let’s say we want to add the My Connections widget. We will add this in Activity -> Di...
Log In Widget
Configure Log In Widget Navigate to Appearance – Widgets. Let’s say we want to add the Log In widget. We will add this in Activity -> Directory Left. Cl...
Members Widget
Configure Members Widget Navigate to Appearance – Widgets. Let’s say we want to add the Members widget. We will add this in Activity -> Directory Left. ...
Recently Active Members Widget
Configure Recently Active Members Widget Navigate to Appearance – Widgets. Let’s say we want to add the Recently Active Members widget. We will add this in...
Who’s Online Widget
Configure Who’s Online Widget Navigate to Appearance – Widgets. Let’s say we want to add the Who’s Online widget. We will add this in Activity -> Direct...
Social Groups Widget
Configure Social Groups Widget Navigate to Appearance – Widgets. Let’s say we want to add the Social Groups widget. We will add this in Activity -> Dire...
Forum Login Widget
Why Use Forum Login Widget? Unlock an exclusive entrance for your Forum enthusiasts with our Forum Login Widget! Craft a seamless login journey, effortless...