
Symbolic Links Don't Work Even After Enabling on the Server
If you have already enabled the Symbolic Links on your server and you still receive the error message: "Symbolic links don't seem to work on your...
List of Supported Video File Extensions
Here are the extensions that are currently supported on the web and mobile devices. Web: MP4, WebM, Ogg, MOV, m4v (All H.264 codec) Mobile: MP4, WebM, ...
Are Avatars and Cover Images Stored in Wordpre
Question: Can we store the avatars and cover images in the database? If not, are there any plans to move all the images to the Database/Media Library inste...
HEIC Support with the BuddyBoss Platform
Technically, you can upload images in this format. However, this does not mean it will automatically be available for other platforms to view. HEIC is a pro...
Increase Upload Size Limit
You can edit the upload size by navigating the BuddyBoss dashboard - Settings - Media. Under Photos, Videos, and Documents, you will have an individual opti...
Getting an Error when Uploading Large Video Files on the Activity Feed
If you are experiencing problems uploading large video files to your activity feed, take the following troubleshooting steps to identify and fix the problem...