PHP Functions

Function to Send Email or Web Push Notifications to Users
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
How to Set "Send Invites" Tab as the Default Group Navigation Tab
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
How to Set "Send Messages" Tab as the Default Group Navigation Tab
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
LearnDash Course Page Filter Default My Progress
By default, an option to achieve this requires custom work. As a workaround, here is a CSS that you can provide to the client. Please follow the steps b...
How to Add Additional Tabs on the Courses Page
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the follow LearnDash's code base through this link:
Password Reset "Back to Login"
By default, it will show a link that says Back to (Site Name). If you want to show Back to Login instead, sorry but we do not have this option in BuddyBoss ...
Make the Discussions Tab the Default Tab on the Group Navigation
The client wanted to do the following: Set the default group navigation tab to Discussions, only if the group has a forum connected to it. Set the defau...
How to Disable the "Notify group members of these changes" Option by Default
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
How to Add White Underline for the "Click here to Register" Hyperlink
Issue: The customer disabled the "Allow non-members to Register" option to force upcoming members to use the custom form they created. They would ...
Change the Display Name Format to Last Name and then First Name
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...