PHP Functions

Make the "Create an Account" Text Bigger
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
Change the Login Text Color in JetPack
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code to change the text "You can now save time spent logging in by connectin...
Move the Members Directory Search Filter to the Top on Desktop View
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
Enable "Breadcrumbs" on Forum topics
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
Display Number of Discussions under Sub-Forums for (BB) Forums List Widget
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
How to Add a Disclaimer on the Forum Post Section?
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site back...
Disable Blog Post Page Autoload and Show "Load More" Button Instead
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
How to Change Number of Members being Displayed per page in Member's Directory?
By default, on our platform and theme, it will display 20 members and 3 column per row. To increase it to a greater number, please try adding the below Func...
Missing Icons on login page when not using BuddyBoss Platform
This is a known issue and is currently under development, temporarily you can use the following function code to fix the issue. Please see the steps below: ...
Add a Custom Link to the Options in Profile Page
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...