PHP Functions

Disable comments for a specific user
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code to disable comments for a specific user. Please follow the s...
Disable email notification for direct message for a logged in use
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code to disable email notification for a direct message for a logged-...
Display a fullscreen background image on the login page
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code to display a fullscreen background image on the login page. ...
Missing Theme Options Tab
This issue is commonly experienced  if you are using AWS Server. As a workaround to resolve this, please follow the steps below: 1. Go to Appearance...
Remove the Generate Password Button on the Password Reset Page
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please follow the steps below: 1. Go to Appearance >...
Increase Upload Limit for Cover Photos and Avatar
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please follow the steps below: 1. Go to Appearance >...
Add Custom Tabs on WooCommerce with Buddyboss Theme
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please follow the steps below: 1. Go to Appearance >...
Change the group description excerpt length
By default, the platform does not have an option to change how many characters or words to show inside the group description. But you can use the following ...
Remove “WordPress” in the Link Preview
When posting a link of your site on other platforms you may be seeing Your Domain - Wordpress - Login in the preview or a variation of this that shows the w...
Different Logo on the Login Page
If you want to use another image on login page instead of logo of the site. By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following fu...