PHP Functions

Site Title Change and Remove WordPress
If your customer wants to change the site title you can send this Function.php code. First, could you ask the customer to change it through WordPress Dashbo...
Custom Yoast SEO Meta Data for Member's Profile Page.
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
Redirect ALL USERS (including ADMIN) to Profile Page after login
The code we have on this knowledge base and https://newaccount1634721716508.f...
Hide Comments on the Activity Feed
If the customer requested how to hide comments on the Activity Feed page. You can provide this Function code below.  Note: Make sure to have a comple...
Blur out the License Key and Email address details in the backend
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please follow the steps below: 1. Go to Appearance >...
How to change the time and date format on the messaging?
Please be informed that changing the time format display on the messaging feature is not available on our platform. For now, custom work is needed to achiev...
How to change the borderline of the login fields on the login page?
 Please be informed that changing just the border link of the login fields on the login page is not an available feature on our platform and will require cu...
Increase the Login Page Image Height for Mobile View
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
Exclude Certain Posts from the BBP Search Feature
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code to redirect to the profile after a user logs in. Please fo...
Change Eye icon for Show or Hide in password field
By default, the platform does not have this option. If you want to change the icon when showing or hiding a password on the Login and Registration page. Y...