PHP Functions

Change the Login Error Color
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please follow the steps below: 1. Go to Appearance >...
How to Sort the Groups Alphabetically by Default?
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please follow the steps below: 1. Go to Appearance >...
Hide the Terms and Conditions including the Privacy Policy
This is to hide the Terms and Conditions, including the Privacy Policy on the login page. By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use th...
Changing the upload limit of profile and cover images
By default, the platform limits the uploading of profile and cover images to 5MB. But if you want to modify them, you can use the PHP snippet below. Ple...
Removing the "Alphabetical" sort option in the Members directory filter
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please follow the steps below: 1. Go to Appearance >...
How to hide Create an Account in Login page
By default, the platform does not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please follow the steps below: 1. Go to Appearance >...
Hiding WP Language Switcher
By default BuddyBoss Theme/Platform has no built-in feature to hide the WP language switcher and achieving this will require custom work as this will change...
How to change the font color of Username and Password on the login page?
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...
How to Dequeue Unnecessary Scripts and Styles
For dequeuing and enqueuing scripts/styling on login, you can follow this syntax. Please make sure that the ID is similar to your declaration. If you...
Remove "WordPress" from a Page
By default, we do not have this option. You can use the following function code. Please see the steps below: Note: Make sure to have a complete site bac...