Activity Feed

Activity Settings
Activity Feed Options In Activity Settings you can enable or disable features such as auto-fetching new activity posts, loading more activity posts when sc...
Edit Activity
How will your Activity Feed Act. In this tutorial, you will learn how to allow your members to edit their activity posts, with the ability to modify the po...
Activity Tabs
Allow User to Filter Feed Content. In this tutorial, we show you how to display activity posts separated into tabs based on their activity type.
Relevant Activity
Restrict User Content to Whats Relevant. In this tutorial, you will learn how to set the Activity Feed to display only posts that are relevant to each memb...
Activity Privacy
Who will see your Activity Feed Posts. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use our new activity privacy options, allowing members to control the visibi...
Posts in Activity Feeds
What User Activities Should be Announced. Setting up which posts show up in your activity feed is simple. You can enable or disable all of the posts that c...
Custom Post Types in Activity
Custom Post Type Auto Posting. A Custom Post Type is a type of content that is published in a WordPress site from a third-party plugin. In this tutorial, w...
Allow Only the Admin to Post on Activity Feed
First, you will need to create a Profile Type with the WordPress Role of Admin. Navigate to the BuddyBoss dashboard - Profile - Profile Type tab. On the pag...
How to Hide Comments/ Responses on Blog Posts
You may disable the "Allow people to submit comments on new posts" option under the WordPress dashboard- Settings - Discussions. However, pl...
Retain Link Preview's Number of Links that will Show a Preview
Retain Link Preview is a new feature of the BuddyBoss Platform and App. Wondering how many previews will show if you posted more than 1 link to a post?  ...